I am working on a new and exciting project that involves composite materials, mostly carbon fibre. Due to multiple injuries sustained in the winter, I had a four-month set back, but I am happy to say that as far as my ability to make art, I am almost fully recovered.
The composite sculptures and installations will debut in October-November in Chicago.
I am working on the concepts for the Synaesthesia installation to show how my brain processes physical reality.
Targeting to complete for early 2019.
This is a project that combines neuropsychology and the arts. I abandoned this project back in 2012, but will be resuming it in 2019. I am working on exciting concepts, some of which involve how we perceive art and how and why it makes our brains sing. My background in medicine, however modest, combined with my background in computer science, helps a lot with this project.
The book involves a Studio Dog. This project started in 2013 just like all my creations – with an idea knocking on a backdoor of my brain, long before my dog made its way into the studio. Writing took off with gusto, but when a real pup entered my life, he clashed with the story’s protagonist... and won, wiping out many conceptions.
I had deliberately given my real pup a different name, but when he almost died, and I decided to rename him to change his luck. It happened that the pup took the name of the story’s protagonist.
As usual, the set back ushered new ideas and I quickly realized that I am using this story to write my own myth. The missing pieces of a puzzle I needed to complete the story presented themselves only in 2017.
I can’t make any commitment to the completion of the book, as I don’t want to harass my muse, but I am now working on it non-stop.
Interested in my whimsical Art? Drop me a line.
I take comissions for extra large mural pieces and carbon fiber sculpture
Nikita Knight
1200W 35th ST
Unit 1D-1340
60609 US